Historical data on OHLC endpoint

Hi im using the ohlc to get min candles, is there a way to get data past 5000 candles, or set a start range so that you can go further back. With 5000 cadles thats only like 3 days of data

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Hi @chris204900, that’s a very good question.

We haven’t yet accounted for this in our API documentation I see.

You can’t get past 5000 candles. Besides the technical limit of 5000 you could set, there is also a maximum number of candles available in our database for a few intervals.

Maximum OHLC data per interval
1 day of data: minute, 5minutes
6 months of data: hour, 8hours
No maximum: day, week, month

Also, you can’t set a start range, because for scalability reasons we don’t save the small interval data for a long period of time.

So, if you want to go further back in history, then you can choose a bigger interval (in your case: bigger candle). Checkout the available intervals.

We will update the OHLC section in the API documentation to include the maximum OHLC data available per interval.


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