Hello, we are currently giving priority to tokens waves, at luxtrade.online you will have two options for listing by voting calling your community to vote, or for payment, we are very good price for tokens waves. Contact us and we will negotiate.
currently we have 9 markets: BTC, LTC, WAVES, DOGECOIN, CDEX, XVG, TRON, DGB or LUXQ
Add Token Pay or Voting : https://forms.gle/HhMCU9Rigzzw9Fzd9
Contact: addcoin@luxtrade.online
Telegram: @luxtradeexchange
Coinpaprika, Coinmarketcap
Promotion for listing new tokens waves.
Now with the growth of our exchange, you will be able to add your token as a main market, contact us to know the values.
Make us a visit: www.luxtrade.online
Year-end listing campaign, if you have a Waves project and want to list with us we have promotional prices, 9 market pairs for 35 waves, or 4 market pairs for 20 waves, additional market pair 5 waves. request now at https://forms.gle/uenroYanakFFGfDg8
Airdrop Telegram.
This beginning of 2021 we will start with a pocket full of cryptocurrencies.
we’ve done airdrop in the past to 100,000 customers, and now we’re going to double that goal.
follow us on our official telegram https://t.me/exchangeLuxtrade and request 1 free Luxtrade Token from Airdrop on your account.
Luxtrade Exchange Team Wishes all Customers a Happy and Prosperous year 2021.
hello guys, we are selling packages of our official token Luxtrade (lux) currency at a discount for larger purchases. Visit our Shop and see the packages. you can pay with waves or dogecoin enter https://luxtrade.online/Shop

new prices for listing waves projects, if you have a waves project and want to list with us request it at: https://forms.gle/hrRWPa9SxdsAG7m47
New Currency added in a vote on our exchange, welcome to: Coincierge Club (CCC) and vote so that it can be listed as soon as possible in our exchange.

new platform, now full support for multiple blockchains, Pool, Hold and Dice game, visit us at luxtrade.exchange